Boiled Frog Syndrome – Are you needing to change?

Once upon a time there was a frog who hopped into a pot of nice, cool, clear water.  He sat in that pot and decided “Life is okay here – no need to change.”   Behind the counter, however, a kitchen chef noticed that a frog had landed in his pot of water – “What a nice surprise, I could make frog soup for dinner!”   So the chef  turned up the heat on the burner ever so slowly.

That frog sat in the pot, not noticing the change in temperature.  After a while, little bubbles in the pot indicated that boiling was imminent.  Still that frog sat and contemplated life as the water became hotter and hotter.  Eventually, the water reached boiling point and the frog perished.

The chef scratched his chin and recalled the last time he tried to make frog soup – setting the water to boiling point first, he dropped a frog into the pot, but upon hitting the boiling water the frog jumped out of the pot and clear across the kitchen.

What lessons can we take from this story?  Are you living with unacceptable conditions, but they came into your life so slowly and in such subtle ways that you haven’t even noticed them?   Would you have walked away from these conditions if you had encountered them in their entirety at an earlier point in your life?

Work life – Have conditions in your workplace evolved over time and slowly become toxic to your health?  Do you dread getting up and going to work each morning?

A wise executive once told me:  if you get up more than three days in a row and dread work, you need to CHANGE SOMETHING.

– Maybe you need to change your attitude.

– Maybe you need to speak with a boss or coworker to correct a problem situation.

– Maybe the culture at your work will not change and you need to consider alternate employment options.

Personal life – have you remained in a relationship that is profoundly negative and draining your energy?  Consider what you can control in your situation and what is beyond your control.

Above all, think of the your life as a blank canvas:  you alone have the power to create the “picture” and determine the destiny of your future.

– Remember who you used to be before ending up in a symbolic pot of boiling water.

– Don’t be afraid to dream about the future and where  you can take your life.  You’ve only one life on this earth, life it to the fullest.

– Change is part of every process in life and death.  Work with the possibilities of change, and use them to enhance your life and your future!

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